Feel ripped off.

  • So I really feel ripped off, they didn't create this product it's only a T-deck with a 3d printed case for $100 more. I guess I should have researched it more and not impulse bought. New to Meshtastic.

  • They do add software, antenna and a 50% larger battery. The Hackster article on the Nomad got me (no software, just some configs). It appears the price hike is closer to 80%. T-Deck Plus looks like the ticket. Smaller battery, no external antenna - 70 bucks. ;-)


  • Hi Richard,

    Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. We do know that the T-Deck plus product is much cheaper however we do feel that our Ranger is a better unit due to the Battery, the specific GPS we add and the external antenna. Our prices reflect what it costs us to build these devices and have enough margin to sustain a business from. All of our design and production is done here in Texas and we believe we add value to our product by being real humans that our customers can reach. If you would like to speak with me or the team directly please email us from the website or call the number also listed on the website. Thank you for your purchase and I hope we can provide you with addition value where you no longer regret your purchase.



  • The antenna should be more sensitive than the stock antenna.  The larger battery plays better with mobile use. The T-Deck keyboard is annoyingly picky about keypresses.   None of this is a surprise.  I have two of the Rangers and two T-Decks, of which the Ranger gets more use.  Frankly, the Ranger gets use.  As you get further into the Meshtastic universe, (well, planet) there are things that either become necessary or lose distinction with their use.  

    SpecFive is spending dev money on an improved software interface and utility for the tiny, little, but not-forgotten public-use spectrum that our elected government deigns to proffer us or take away, in exchange for our gratitude for a gnat's butt of a spectrum slice where we can actually use encryption and privacy, unlike HAM radio.  /Dripping sarcasm of gov oversight of their slaves, off/ Software isn't cheap, and neither is design and printing of a case in a commercial and human resource setting.  The cheap $70 T-Deck Plus is cheap because they can throw bodies at the product, while NONE of those workers could afford our cost-of-living.  I don't begrudge the higher cost of the Ranger, but we must start somewhere.   If you desire improvements, then speak up about recommended additions to the platform, or just updates to the Ranger.  I'll start:

    1. a water-resistant case

    2. switch to disable battery use when plugged in at-home

    3. a couple integrated sensors, like accelerometers or CO2 (those sensors ALSO come mostly from China or Taiwan, btw, which while cheap might not be here for much longer) And may incur a larger company import costs and restrictions

    4. updates to the interface like sending your (encrypted) position to others on your channel

    I could add a few more, but I get to start the list...


    The real issue is that we need local manufacturing, on which the US is dismally short.  So pony up and start fixing these oneself, or pay the additonal cost for someone to host the infrastructure to get it done for others.  The costs are being burdened by the Chinese people, not the PPC.  And, their economy isn't healthy, either.  Times are changing, so it needs to be done in the market, not reliant upon islands (literally) of design, development and manufacturing that are not in your community of interest.

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