Just a quick post I fixed the nomad and have it doing everything I wanted.
The setup till I doccument it:
MESHADV Pi Hat (chris meyers)
- E22-900M30S Lora Radio
- Beitian BE182 GPS
- BME180 Temp sensor (Omitted cause no good placement)
- Widen USBC port
- Proper 5v 5a power supply (got it to be able to use 5v 3a with new hat (lower power) and no errors
- GPS (ceramic attenea not the bullet one) and Lora Atennea insulated (GPS has some issues with interference from the touchscreen or powerboard)
I am running MX Linux Rpi Image as it includes alot of quality of life things and also has a sleep feature and etc. If have any questions or would like to talk about how I did it and or if need help getting your nomad on new OS or new hardware DM me. I will no longer be working on this as it is a spec5 issue to really fix properly for there own units, but will leave my offer open for those that need help with this (sorry) expensive brick hah.
This is fantastic! Thank you for contributing your modifications back to the community of Nomad users.
I have also been working on Nomad ideas; the SDR has been most useful and I've got that working well. Am thinking of a small backpack that can contain the extra radio.
Thanks for the updates on this. We have the Meshadv pihat inbound to integrate into the Nomad and Chris has been great to work with as well. What power supply are you using?
@TX Programmer I currently took out the lora on the nomad and made a standalone node with the meshadv. I havent found a good replacement for battery power (only find this https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806068669306.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt)
I was using a power brick as only found 18650 power supplies would be able to do the 5v/5a. The pi 4 is probably a better fit for the nomad as the pi5 just runs way to hot and power hungry. Only way to do OS changes is buy pluging the pi5 in directly to a power supply or doing everything over SSH. Let me know if find a good fix for the pi5 nomad. Attached is a pcture of how I wanted the mesh hat set up after I took it out of the nomad.

Here is the current progress of me changing the nomad. Like the idea of a console like sigmund did. Will be battery backed up using the battery.