@TX Programmer Have you tested the pi5 for this issue? Seems like alot of the issues are coming from the pi5 drawing alot more power than the pi4 would. I have tested everything I could in multiple...
@TX Programmer Have you tested the pi5 for this issue? Seems like alot of the issues are coming from the pi5 drawing alot more power than the pi4 would. I have tested everything I could in multiple...
I have a quick question from some findings. I have found that the upspackboard is interfering with the gps signal not matter what you do. Is there a way to propperly shield the board and wires?
Here is the current progress of me changing the nomad. Like the idea of a console like sigmund did. Will be battery backed up using the battery.
@Kirk stanby the pps ligh will be solid and not flashing so you have ir right. Sounds like maybe meshtasticd is having issues? Idk how tech litterate you are but might be worth starting the install...
@Kirk Make sure under position tab its enabled and under the channels tab make sure position is enabled too. If have pps light and tx light flashing should be locked and reporting to the pi/meshtastic
@Kirk pps flashing is locked need to be outside or replace atennea
@TX Programmer I currently took out the lora on the nomad and made a standalone node with the meshadv. I havent found a good replacement for battery power (only find this https://www.aliexpress.us/...
Just a quick post I fixed the nomad and have it doing everything I wanted. The setup till I doccument it: MESHADV Pi Hat (chris meyers) E22-900M30S Lora Radio Beitian BE182 GPS BME180 Temp s...
@Kirk No problem any other questions lmk. Spec5 also is working on how to address the waveshare issue so hope they figure that out for other nomad users.
Have to use the cable provided sadly as most are too thicc to full seat into the usbc port. If want to fix it you can make the hole larger for all cables to fit.
@J nope, it has to be replaced with something else. Waveshare refused to address the issue.
@J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PND1GlMSrEM Basically it will not handle more than 56 bytes per message over longfast and also has shown to drift off frequency causing packets to only b...
whoops did you save the image for it? If not will probably need to follow what was done in the forum post here: https://specfive.com/community/xenforum/topic/146067/danger-danger-will-robinon I ha...
@Sigmund Was able to start from base rpi image and have a working updated mestastic firmware. One thing I noticed was the setting in /etc/meshtasticd/config.yaml was missing for this board but incl...
To everyone that owns a nomad, the waveashre sx126x xxxm that comes witht he nomad has known corruption issues now. It cant send longer messages and can even just not recieve or send messages to to...
I am sorry to spec5 for getting frustrated, I just had random small issues and was causing the nomad to be unuseable. First was the touch screen would freak out when would go to the edges (was a lo...
How did you guys get the gps to report on map? Only got it to every go through my phone not web app. I hate the rpi OS so im just going straight debian and re doing all the mesh stuff (there versio...