Relays and S&F functions

  • It would be helpful if more seasoned practitioners in the Meshtastic arena provided relays and S&F capabilities.

    Is the Spec Five location up as a relay along that area?  I know there is a Spec5 unit along Highway 29 in Georgetown.



  • Unit is up at Hwy 29, and another one up quite high atop a flagpole at the SpecFive location in Florence.


    We are also in conversations with local universities to install units free of charge at their premises which will extend coverage.

  • The 29 unit does show a Spec5 unit.

    I have a unit near Ronald Reagan and 29.  A lot of hills in Texas that precludes line-of-sight.  Checking mostly with

    I'm talking with local coffee trailer about one on their trailer, too. A link to Georgetown would be nice, but might be able to put one on the south west side of Florence.  Could be a nice hop to Spec5 location.

  • That would be great! Thanks for your efforts to grow the network.


  • I cannot see the Florence node either, and I'm on the second floor.  I would need another 240' to hit Spec5. Scadacore indicates no direct line of sight to specfive: 30.8329906, -97.8881598.  Can the 29 location drone see the Spec5 node?  

    The Meshtastic node would not know it was there anyway, because it is beyond the drone in hops.  So would need prior knowledge or comms for someone beyond the drone hop. Correct?

  • Oddly, the 29 and Florence locations can't see each other even with the drone at 400ft AGL. Trying to figure out why that is.

    With regards to hops, I am not quite certain about your question, but I think you're asking about the default 3 hops forwarding limit. Meaning that if I need to get through > 3 nodes to you then I will never see you. You can increase the number of hops in the config to a max of 7 to see if that resolves your issue. Have you tried that? 

  • Hmm.  Forgot about the hop limit, but would have anticipated the Florence relay would have been visible.  Perhaps the keep-alive ping from that location fell outside drone activity.  Unless radios are active, I'm not seeing them.  I'll be resetting my relay hop limit.  (Kind of like resetting Safeties on torpodeos.  hehe --Hunt for Red October)

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